Ash Wednesday Service

All Church Music and Worship

Please join us for our Ash Wednesday Worship Service on March 5, 6:45-7:45 PM, in the Sunrise Chapel. The purpose of Ash Wednesday worship is to reflect on our mortality, sinfulness, and need for a Savior. Receiving ashes in the shape of a cross on our foreheads represents our mortality and repentance. Ash Wednesday worship is also an opportunity to remember with confidence and gratitude that Jesus Christ has conquered death and sin. Ash Wednesday worship is a witness to the power and truth of the gospel.

Youth and children who are 6-years-old and older are invited to participate in this kid friendly service. Childcare will be provided for children 5-years-old and younger.

Join us before the service for our Wednesday Fellowship dinner at 5:45 PM in the Gym. There are no Wednesday Fellowship classes on the 5th because of the Ash Wednesday Service. Wednesday Fellowship classes will resume on the 12th.

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