
Why We're Here

SPC is a loving environment in which all families are welcome and accepted!  Children are taught with age-appropriate activities and lessons, being encouraged to know God's love and develop a relationship with Jesus Christ. We teach Biblical truths to help children grow in their knowledge of God and learn spiritual disciplines with the ultimate intent of children wholeheartedly pursuing their own personal relationship with Jesus.

Babies and Toddlers

Classrooms provide a fun, safe, sanitized and age-appropriate environment for your child to be held, loved and have opportunities for play while you are attending services or classes. Lessons are provided encouraging babies and toddlers to have their first experiences at learning Bible stories and knowing Jesus. Childcare is available for all Sunday services and Wednesday night programs and other weekly programs as needed.

Pre-K: 3's and 4's

Children are learning all about Jesus during class time. Learning takes place through play centers and in group time with music, games and Bible stories. Classes are available Sunday morning and Wednesday nights while you are attending services or classes.


Elementary children are engaged in learning activities during their time in classes. Lessons are fun and interactive and classrooms are divided by age for the most appropriate learning environments! The Bible lessons tackle real life issues, while creating a safe environment for spiritual conversations. We work to help kids know Christ, live in community together and impact the world around them! Other opportunities for this age include once a month social gatherings, special Bible classes, classes about becoming a Christian and camp for older elementary.


There are often events at SPC for the whole family to participate. We know parents have the greatest influence on a child’s faith so we want to include the whole family in the Biblical concepts we teach. We provide parents with tools to help children grow in their faith and involve parents in what children learn in class. Special events for the whole family will include family fun nights, Trunk or Treat, Christmas events and more.


Our children's ministry already has some incredible, talented and loving volunteers investing time teaching our children each week. If you're interested in joining our team either as a volunteer or a paid worker, let our Director of Children's Ministry know! We're always looking to add to our team!

Special Events

Vacation Bible School is our largest special event taking place in June each summer. Other special events include summer fun days, Tween Camp, Family Campouts, Parents Nights Out and More...

Upcoming Events



True North VBS 2025: Save the Date!

At True North, kids discover what it means to trust Jesus in a wild world! Join us June 9- 13th, 2025.

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