A Peaceful Habitation

by Steve Sobolik on December 05, 2022

A Peaceful Habitation (APH) is a Christian ministry providing service and support to facilitate successful re-entry into society for women recently released from incarceration. Women are admitted who want to live transformed lives and break patterns of self-defeating or destructive behavior. APH combines caring and mentoring with educational content to improve life skills in a context of personal accountability. They provide professional clothing to newly released women (Date at the Gate), structured and supportive workshops (parenting, financial planning, trauma healing, and more), one-on-one mentoring, and referrals and resources to help participants comply with probation/parole mandates. Teaching the Word of God and Christian morals and principles is an important part of APH's program.

One of the services APH provides is called Date at the Gate. Women released from prison often have nothing to wear except for what they came into prison with. A Date at the Gate meets these women when they are released and provides suitable everyday and business attire to give them some immediate confidence and dignity. Leticia Chavez-Paulette, the executive director of APH, is always in need of assistance for Date at the Gate:

  • Assist with putting outfits together for women who have asked for outfits.
  • Donations of gently used or new clothing, shoes, socks, and totes. Underwear has to be new. Prefer new bras but gently used will work.
  • Need hoodies and sweaters for cold weather releases.
  • Donated gift cards to purchase undergarments or clothes not on hand.

If you can help out, please contact Steve Sobolik or Leticia at or 505-440-5937.

Learn More

Tags: volunteer, education, women, serve, mentoring, incarceration, transformed lives, gives, a peaceful habitation, aph

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