Music and Worship Opportunities

Music is a very big part of worship here at SPC, and we have many opportunities to participate, with contemporary songs and traditional hymns to sing together, as well as our choir and offertory music to allow us to reflect more privately. A variety of instruments are used at our contemporary service. For more information contact our Music Director, John Reith.
* Chancel Choir participates in our Traditional Worship Service 11 months out of the year
* Praise Band that leads our Contemporary Worship
* Vocal ensembles that sing occasionally in our worship services
* Brassbyterians (Brass Quintet)
* Allen Organ, 9 ft. Baldwin Grand Piano, & Steinway Baby Grand Piano
* Praise Band that leads our Contemporary Worship
* Vocal ensembles that sing occasionally in our worship services
* Brassbyterians (Brass Quintet)
* Allen Organ, 9 ft. Baldwin Grand Piano, & Steinway Baby Grand Piano