Wednesday Fellowship

Wednesday Fellowship will resume September 3 to October 29.
Wednesday Fellowship nights are special times for food, community, fun, and study, offering you and your family the opportunity to deepen your sense that SPC is truly your "church home."
The fall session of Wednesday Fellowship will resume on September 3rd and end on October 29th.
Dinner is served at 5:45pm in the Gym followed by class offerings or programs for all ages at 6:30pm. There is a suggested donation of $5 per person or $20 max per family for dinner.
For adults, our class offerings will be announced soon.
- Uplift with Rick and Ronnie Thomson
Join Rick and Ronnie in this intentional learning community as we study When God Interrupts: Finding New Life Through Unwanted Change by M. Craig Barnes. This class meets in Room 220.
For youth, there is Youth Group every Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8:30pm for a time of fun and fellowship. In Youth Group, we talk about Jesus and apply his teachings to our everyday lives. Youth are always welcome and encouraged to bring their friends.
For children, there are different offerings based on age for the most appropriate learning environment:
- Elementary children: TBD
- For babies through Pre-K, childcare is available with learning centers, Bible stories, and fun activities and games.