Senior Pastor Search

Ministry General Information

Ministry Name: Sandia Presbyterian Church
Presbytery: Santa Fe
Synod: The Southwest
Preferred Phone: 505-856-5040
Website Address:
Mailing Address: 10704 Paseo Del Norte NE, Albuquerque, NM 87122-3112
Community Type: Suburban
Congregation or Organization Size: 651-1000 members
Curriculum: Variety - chosen by ministry leaders
Average Worship Attendance: 405
Church School Attendance: 117
Intercultural Composition:
White: 90%, Hispanic/Latinx: 5%, Black/African
American/African: 1%, Native American/Alaska
Native/Indigenous: 1%, Middle Eastern/North African: 1%,
Multiracial: 1%, Asian/Pacific Islander/South Asian: 1%

Position Requirements

Position Type(s): Head of Staff
Experience Required: 5 to 10 Years
Specify Title / PT Work Hours (if applicable): Senior Pastor
Employment Status: Full-time
Language Requirements: English
Statement of Faith required? Yes
Are you open to a clergy couple? Yes

Ministry Requirements

Church Mission/Vision Statement
Following Jesus, Sharing God’s Love, and Changing Lives

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19

Tasks, expectations, duties, supervision, assignments, and responsibilities for the position
The Head of Staff/Senior Pastor will lead a large, energetic, vibrant, mature, urban church located in a community of almost 1,000,000 souls. The Head of Staff will lead a staff of 16 church employees (40 total including seasonal, preschool, and support staff) and serve as Senior Pastor to a congregation of more than 950 individuals. In addition to the role as a teaching pastor for both traditional and contemporary services, a primary focus of this role involves leading Sandia Presbyterian Church into the next decade as a church home toa diverse socioeconomic congregation. This includes adapting to evolving societal norms while remaining faithful to the Gospel. Additionally, the position entails maintaining the thriving children's ministry, advancing the ongoing efforts to build the youth ministry, nurturing strong connections with young adult members, maintaining solid relationships with older adult members (many of whom are founding members), and ensuring a welcoming atmosphere for visitors, encouraging them to choose Sandia Presbyterian as their church home.

Compensation & Housing

Minimum Effective Salary: $115,000
Housing Type: Housing Allowance


How would you describe the congregation’s/organization’s specific vision for ministry? How will this vision impact the community? Is the congregation part of a ministry vision or program?
The congregation consistently plays a pivotal role in sharing our church by enthusiastically embracing the community through various activities, spreading the message of Jesus. The congregation actively engages in outreach through various channels, such as Upward Basketball, whereover 200 children come together to grow athletically and spiritually, and events like Trunk or Treat draw more than 500 children during Halloween. The congregation supports an annual Living Water initiative, drilling a well in Central America. Other activities, such as Vacation Bible School, youth mission trips, family camping, a vibrant Deaconate, as well as many others, bring a myriad of church and community members together on a regular basis. Hosting Great Banquet Weekends is another significant service, resembling Cursillo-style events aimed at deepening understanding of the Christian faith and fostering connections and fellowship.

What is the nature and context of the community in which your congregation lives out its mission/vision? How will you address the emerging needs that are impacting your community?
Our SPC community is varied in culture, and we feel that by involving the community with functions like Upward Basketball and Vacation Bible School, we can draw people from various backgrounds into our church.
The Albuquerque and surrounding area community stands out for its unique characteristics. Our church is located on the boundary between the city of Albuquerque and the county of Bernalillo in the foothills of the beautiful Sandia Mountains. The local population has a high percentage of professional people with extensive educational backgrounds. Because of the influence of Hispanic and Native American culture in Albuquerque, our church is deeply rooted in family values while also being accepting of various lifestyles which provides us with a profound understanding of the diversity that Christ recognized as he introduced Christianity to the world.
At SPC, we encourage our congregation to embody Jesus' love beyond the confines of our church walls by practicing the Second Commandment. We aim for each member to actively participate, both in terms of actions, financial support, and prayers, in at least one ministry outside of SPC. Numerous opportunities are provided through the ministries we endorse.

How will this call help complement the responsibilities of other staff/volunteer positions, and the life of the congregation/organization, so that you may accomplish your short and long-term goals for ministry?
Our dedicated team of staff and volunteers at our church is exceptional, demonstrating unwavering commitment to their ministries and roles. We aspire to expand in numbers, spirit, commitment, and action through our existing programs while remaining open to innovative ideas. The introduction of the Great Banquet by our current Head of Staff/Senior Pastor stands as a significant blessing, drawing numerous community members who have since become part of SPC. As we look for a new Head of Staff/Senior Pastor, we prioritize someone who can discern where change is necessary to further enhance our existing foundation. The ability to navigate conflicts with discernment and wisdom, fostering teamwork among all positions, is crucial. While we are not seeking drastic changes, we hope that any future adjustments will contribute to reaching more members in our community, fostering faith and unity.

Provide a description of the skills, gifts and training the person you hope will becomea part of your ministry must have, to lead the congregation towards the vision andmission established.
The Head of Staff/Senior Pastor position requires a Master of Divinity; Doctor of Ministry preferred.

We are seeking a devoted preacher and teacher of the Word, capable of effectively communicating with a congregation holding diverse views on Christianity. This individual should excel in leading groups to consensus positions, possessing strong listening skills, be articulate, and have strong problem-solving abilities, a touch of humor, and a sense of fun. As a leader, we desire someone who serves the congregation with energy, intelligence, imagination, compassion, and vision, aiming to foster growth within the Christian community. Approachability is key, extending to all members, including those with differing perspectives on scriptural interpretation. The Head of Staff/Senior Pastor should demonstrate the capacity to build relationships that support our members as we continue to develop and expand our church programs.

What areas of ministry do you expect the person called to be responsible for? Share specific tasks, assignments, and programs.

  • Will be expected to research & deliver weekly sermons during two services per week as well as special services during the year, & coordinate weekly preaching during times of absence
  • Will supervise staff including Assoc. Pastor, & Directors of Family Life, Children’s Ministries, Youth Ministry, Music, Business & Facilities Manager as well as seasonal, preschool, & support staff. Will hold all staff members accountable for their work within the church. Will encourage & provide developmental opportunities for staff
  • Through the Business Manager, oversee the day-to-day business operations of the church
  • Will ensure the ministry & business operations align with the church’s overall visions & strategic plans
  • Through the Business & Facilities Managers, oversee all business contracts. Through the ministry units, oversee all sponsorships.
  • Will manage the collaboration with ministry partners
  • Will work closely with staff & elders to create an annual budget
  • A key aspect of the role is to actively promote & support the ongoing success of the Great Banquet ministry, a biannual event. It is a 72-hourexperience, Thursday evening through Sunday evening. Guests live &study together in a worshipful time of song, prayer, & discussion. Talks are given by laity & clergy. Guests participate daily in Holy Communion &examine more fully the presence of Christ in His body of believers. They personally experience His grace through the prayers & acts of a loving, Christian support community.

Optional Links

2024 SPC Mission Study

Video: Video inviting the community to worship at SPC