April 14, 2013 | Dr. Doug Hucke
Passage: Luke 24:25-27
From the Christian perspective, the Old Testament paves the way for Jesus--the OT promises, the NT fulfills. Those who say Jesus was merely a great teacher, and not divine, miss that Jesus taught that he was the fulfillment of Scripture, that both the OT and the NT are truly about him.
Series Information

While the account of the encounter between the risen Jesus and two disciples is often called "The Road to Emmaus," it more accurately is "The Road from Jerusalem," because they are fleeing Jerulsalem, scene of despair--"anywhere but here." Like fair-weather sports fans who leave early, the two disciples left Jerusalem before the story was over, missing the risen Savior. But he came to them, and when they lost their spiritual blindness and recognized their Lord, they returned with good news.