July 21, 2013 | Dr. Doug Hucke
Joy is a gift from God--God offers us this gift, but we have to choose to accept it. Estimates are that Paul spent 1/4 of his missionary time in various prisons, which were horrendous places. While Most prisoners begged for death to escape, Paul prayed and sang hymns. Paul lived intentionally, for something greater than himself, advancing the Gospel and impacting the lives of others. Try helping others, especially secretly, and just see if you don't sense joy bubbling up in your soul. Make this a lifetime practice, and joy will be inevitable.
Series Information
Happiness is not the same as joy happiness is fleeting and depends on circumstances. The Bible does not promise happiness, it promises joy, which comes from God, not circumstances. Joy is characterized by deep gratitude for who God is and what he has done, and it transcends pain or grief or other suffering.