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Ruth: The Renowned Redeemer

Dr. Doug Hucke concludes this sermon series, Ruth, in the final chapter, Ruth 4 with this week's message, "The Renowned...

Ruth | Nov 24, 2024 | Dr. Doug Hucke

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Speaker: Dr. Doug Hucke

The Pursuing Father

July 22, 2012

7/22/12 - God is not a distant judge--he is an always-loving Father who eagerly runs...

The Remaining Son

July 15, 2012

7/15/12 - We all need grace, including those who are dutiful and resent the love shown...

The Returning Son

July 08, 2012

7/8/12 - The wayward son is the most familiar figure associated with the word...

The Freedom Puzzle

July 01, 2012

7/1/12 - Freedom is one of the most cherished American values. But the truth is we are...

Called to Stand Up

June 10, 2012

6/10/12 - We will never deepen our faith if we don't get past the fear of standing up...

Called to Shut Up

June 03, 2012

6/3/12 - Our words have power. The things we say can build people up and tear them...

Called to Show Up

May 27, 2012

5/27/12 - 80% of life is just showing up. There are all kinds of opportunities all...

Called to Keep Up

May 20, 2012

5/13/12 - Christian life comes with a struggle. Every Christian experiences that...

Called to Give Up

May 13, 2012

5/13/12 - God calls us to do what he intends rather than pursuing our own whims.
