Series: The Advent Conspiracy

Spend Less

December 01, 2013 | Dr. Doug Hucke

We know Christmas is not about gifts and materialism, but somehow we get caught up in the spending frenzy. Many of us will spend more than we can afford. The Magi brought Jesus gifts, some very expensive, but each one spoke to some dimension of what Jesus was and is, rather than to our obligation to do likewise for each other. Making Christmas about the gifts betrays the significance of this season, the fact that God loved us so much he sent his son to this world to redeem us. Excessive spending creates stress and fosters materialism. We should be giving of ourselves more than of our money.

Series Information

Many of us dread this time of year because it has stopped being about what it should be about, focusing instead on greed and materialism. This series connects to the Advent Conspiracy movement (, which seeks to restore the meaning of Christmas.

Other sermons in the series

Spend Less

December 01, 2013

We know Christmas is not about gifts and materialism, but somehow we get caught up in...

Give More

December 15, 2013

Part of the Advent Conspiracy is the radical reminder that Christmas is not about the...

Worship Fully

December 22, 2013

As much as we look forward to the Christmas season, we often find ourselves just...

Love All

December 24, 2013

Dec. 18 is National Re-gifting Day in the U.S. and Canada. Would you re-gift...

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