
Current Series

God's Hand in Change: The Story of Joseph

God’s Hand in Change: The Story of Joseph Joseph's life is a remarkable journey of change and transition, filled with profound lessons. We want to help the congregation navigate the transition we’re in between pastors. We also want to equip individuals to successfully navigate transitions in their lives.

Bad Shepherd

There are good shepherds and bad shepherds, and not all deal rightly with those they tend. Jesus, the true Good Shepherd, laid his life down for all of us, and his sacrifice we are made righteous.

The Party

As in the parable, the Great Banquet is an invitation from a loving and generous God to share in a faith-building experience and celebration.

The Nag

An exploration of the appropriate role of prayer - persistent prayer seeking God's guidance and intentions, rather than our own wishes.

A World of Hope

1 Peter spoke to persecuted Christians, emphasizing the hope to be found in Jesus Christ. The message continues to be relevant in our times.

A Split Decision

Solomon's decision, with two competing claims of motherhood, illuminates the identity of the true mother. But more important and defining than our identities as parents, or other earthly roles, is our identity in Jesus Christ.


This four-week series addresses words beginning with "gr-" that are part of our faith struggles and growth.

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