
Current Series

God's Hand in Change: The Story of Joseph

God’s Hand in Change: The Story of Joseph Joseph's life is a remarkable journey of change and transition, filled with profound lessons. We want to help the congregation navigate the transition we’re in between pastors. We also want to equip individuals to successfully navigate transitions in their lives.

The Hiddenness of Jesus

The disciples did not recognize the risen Jesus when they met him on the road to Emmaus. We also struggle to find the living Christ in our busy lives.

Is It Really a Thing?

Jesus' Resurrection is no hoax perpetuated by the Apostles. All of us have experienced God's grace and transformation in our lives through the risen Jesus. Thus we, too, are witnesses to the Resurrection.


Many of us give things up for Lent, typically something more superficial like a particular food or drink. This series looks at the call to give up things with more spiritual significance and more lasting implications for our lives.

The Authority of Jesus

As illustrated in the parable of the fishermen casting nets at Jesus' command, Jesus has authority over our lives and all of creation, and can bring about the seemingly impossible.

The Gospel at Home and Abroad

We are called to take the Good News to both our neighbors and those far away, and to minister to those near and far in the name of Jesus.

The Reel Advent

Iconic Christmas movies help us examine many of the themes of Advent.

The Essential Invisible

The challenge that comes with blessings is gratitude. Thanksgiving is an excellent time to re-focus our attention and practice gratitude for our many gifts as children of God.

Unwelcome Guests

What have we sacrificed for Jesus? Simon rejected the heartfelt sacrifice of the sinful woman, but Jesus did not.

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