June 23, 2013 | Dr. Doug Hucke
America is the richest nation that has ever existed. We live in a society that is constantly urging us to spend more, and there is even a movement within Christianity that argues the blessings promised to us in Scripture revolve around financial gain. God asks us to give not for his sake, but for ours. When we give we move closer to God. When we refuse to give we move away from God. When we develop the practice of giving, our heavenly Father teaches us to distinguish between need and greed.
Series Information

We like to think we can control God, as if with the click of a button, that we can persuade God to give us what we want. But God is beyond our control, and His plans for us are far greater than we can imagine. There is a big difference between what we want and what we need, and we need to learn to trust God in all things.